
3 days gorilla trekking Rwanda safari

3 days gorilla trekking Rwanda safari is awe-inspiring! Aside from engaging in mountain gorilla trekking, visitors have the option to partake in a cultural tour or follow the endangered golden monkeys that reside within Volcanoes National Park. This  3 days gorilla trekking Rwanda safari is both cost-effective and efficient in terms of time. Reach out to us now and our highly skilled reservation team is prepared to organize this vacation based on your preferences for optimal experiences and lasting memories.

3 days gorilla trekking Rwanda safari

Summary of  3 days gorilla trekking Rwanda safari

Day 1 of  3 days gorilla trekking Rwanda safari Starting with the retrieval, embark on a guided exploration of the city and subsequently proceed to Volcanoes National Park.

Day 1: of  3 days gorilla trekking Rwanda safari

 3 days gorilla trekking Rwanda safari includes a cultural visit and departure, as well as the opportunity to track golden monkeys.

The distance between Kigali and Volcanoes National Park is 104 kilometers. Due to the speed limits enforced by the Rwandan government, it takes around 3 hours to travel to the park by road.

Upon arrival at the airport, our driver guide will handle all of your logistical needs and arrange for your transfer to Parc National des Volcans. Enjoy a dinner and spend the night at Tiloreza Volcanoes Eco Lodge, Mountain gorilla view lodge, Gorilla solution lodge, or Da Vinci gorilla lodge.

Day 2: Gorilla Trekking  experience

Day 2 of  3 days gorilla trekking Rwanda safari of Commence the day at 6:30 am by having breakfast, followed by attending a briefing at the park headquarters at 8:00 am regarding the regulations for the day’s gorilla trekking activities. On this specific day, gorilla groups are assigned for tracking based on the guests’ level of physical fitness.

3 days gorilla trekking Rwanda safari

3 days gorilla trekking Rwanda safari,  commences at the periphery of the forest. Typically, it requires at least one hour to encounter gorillas in their natural habitat. Experience a 3 days gorilla trekking Rwanda safari, featuring an authentic ‘Intore’ cultural show.

Day 3: Cultural and Community Visit / Golden Monkey Tracking

On the last day of 3 days gorilla trekking Rwanda safari Participate in a group stroll at the Iby’iwachu Cultural Village. The traditional dances, poems, and attire in this location are quite noteworthy. Alternatively, you have the option to revisit the park’s jungles with the purpose of tracking the endangered and visually stunning golden monkeys.

After having a hearty lunch at the lodge, you will be transferred to Kigali to catch your planned return flight.

3 days gorilla trekking Rwanda safari includes

  •  Gorilla permits
  • Admission fees for entering the park
  • Applicable government taxes
  •  Accommodation with all meals included
  • Driver/Guide who speaks English fluently and is available for full-time work
  • Transportation on the ground using a 4×4 safari vehicle
  •  We will provide airport shuttle on the same day as your safari concludes.

3 days gorilla trekking Rwanda safari Exclude:

  • Flight ticket prices
  • Cost of obtaining a visa
  • Individual Insurance
  • Personal expenses such as beverages, gratuities, laundry services, telephone charges, and cigarettes are not included.

The Volcanoes National Park is home to a total of 10 gorilla families that have become accustomed to human presence.

The name “Titus” was given to honor a silverback gorilla who was also known by that name.
Susa A, a group consisting of 33 members, was the subject of Dian Fossey’s research from 1967 to 1985. This group is particularly notable for being home to two playful twin individuals.
Byishimo and Impano are two gorilla groups that inhabit the upper altitude (4,507 Metres) of Karisimbi volcano. Karisimbi (Susa B) is a group that separated from the Susa A group. It is particularly suitable for experienced hikers.

3 days gorilla trekking Rwanda safari

The Amahoro group, consisting of 18 members, resides on the challenging slopes of Mt. Bisoke, making it a physically demanding climb.

The Umubano group, consisting of 13 individuals, is a faction that has separated from another family. Ubumwe is a group of two male gorillas, known as silverbacks, that coexist in the same habitat. The name “Ubumwe” reflects this arrangement.
The Sabyinyo group, consisting of 13 individuals, resides on the slopes of Mt Sabyinyo. This group is renowned for its massive silverback called Guhonda, weighing 220 kg, and is considered the most accessible to follow during Rwanda gorilla tours.
The Agashya group, named after its dominant silverback, resides in close proximity to the Sabyinyo group on the slopes of Mt Sabyinyo. Kwitonda, a group consisting of 23 members, is a migratory group originating from DR Congo’s Virunga national park. As a result, they frequently roam the jungles between Mt Muhabura.
The Hirwa group, established in 2006 by individuals from the Sabyinyo and Agashya groups, consists of two silverbacks. They frequently wander throughout the bush on the slopes of Karisimbi, making their movements highly unpredictable and difficult to monitor.
The Ugenda group, which means ‘On Move’ in the Kinyarwanda dialect, continuously travels to various locations around Mt Karisimbi. On the other hand, the Bwenge group, established in 2007 by an individual named Bwenge, resides on the slopes of Karusoke volcano, situated between mountains Karisimbi and Bisoke. This particular group gained recognition for its appearance in the film ‘Gorillas in the Mist’.

Volcanoes National Park is inhabited by various wildlife species, including Colobus monkeys, golden monkeys, forest elephants, and other bird species.

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