
Perfect 5 Days budget gorilla trekking at Volcanoes and Lake Kivu

The 5 Days budget gorilla trekking at Volcanoes and Lake Kivu focuses on a thrilling mountain gorilla trekking experience in Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda, followed by a leisurely visit to Lake Kivu. This Rwanda gorilla safari package is specifically tailored to provide you with the opportunity to engage in gorilla trekking activities, followed by a period of relaxation at the beautiful Gisenyi beaches.

5 Days budget gorilla trekking at Volcanoes and Lake Kivu

Rwanda Gorilla & Lake Kivu Tour: 5 Days

First day of 5 Days budget gorilla trekking at Volcanoes and Lake Kivu : Arrival and Transportation to Ruhengeri
During the initial days of your 5 Days budget gorilla trekking at Volcanoes and Lake Kivu, our Rwanda tour and travel agency will provide you with a tour guide who will greet you and then transport you to Kigali city. There, you will have a short city excursion that will include visits to the Gisozi Genocide Memorial monument and various other attractions. In the afternoon, you will be transported to Muwsanze Town, previously known as Ruhengeri, where you will have dinner and stay. This town is home to Volcanoes National Park. Stay overnight at Le Bambou Gorilla Lodge.

Day 2: Engaging in gorilla trekking activities at volcanoes National park Rwanda

Day 2 of 5 Days budget gorilla trekking at Volcanoes and Lake Kivu Following breakfast and a briefing from ORTPN officials, you will embark on your Rwanda gorilla trekking expedition in the early morning. The opportunity to go gorilla trekking is a unique and extraordinary activity that can only be experienced once in a lifetime. The rangers will guide you, along with other members of your small safari group, deep into the jungle to seek out the Gorillas.

5 Days budget gorilla trekking at Volcanoes and Lake Kivu

You will traverse the uneven landscape, ascending and descending, until you ultimately encounter these harmonic beings whose companionship you will deeply appreciate for a duration of 1 hour. The duration of the activity in Rwanda can vary from 3 to 5 hours, contingent upon the gorillas’ mobility. In the afternoon, you have the opportunity to participate in an optional village visit led by a local guide. This tour offers a unique cultural experience. Return to Le Bambou Gorilla Lodge for dinner and an overnight stay, as previously mentioned.

On the third day of 5 Days budget gorilla trekking at Volcanoes and Lake Kivu, we will move to Gisenyi and visit Lake Kivu.

Start your day by enjoying a freshly brewed cup of coffee and then head over to the Museum in Musanze. There, you will get the opportunity to gain knowledge about the important efforts being made to protect gorillas and also explore the remarkable contributions of the late Dian Fossey. Depart from Musanze and explore the caves en route to Gisenyi. Continue to Gisenyi and arrive in time for lunch. Unwind by the seashore. Enjoy an evening meal and spend the night at Hotel Malahide Paradise.

5 Days budget gorilla trekking at Volcanoes and Lake Kivu

Day 4: Entire day in Gisenyi

In the morning, you will partake in breakfast and subsequently dedicate an entire day to exploring the town of Gisenyi. Today, you will embark on a boat excursion to the Island on the Lake and explore the shores of Lake Kivu for swimming. During the evening, explore the Local market and stroll around the streets to see the historic colonial architecture. Enjoy dinner and spend the night in Hotel Malahide Paradise in Gisenyi, as mentioned previously.

Day 5: Return to Kigali City Breakfast will be served promptly on this last day.

Day of 5 Days budget gorilla trekking Volcanoes and Lake Kivu afterwards, you will check out of your hotel and then proceed to transfer back to Kigali. Upon considering the timing of your flight, you will be transported to the Airport for your return journey home.

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