
Best time to go For gorilla Habituation and Chimpanzee Habituation.

Best time to go For gorilla Habituation and Chimpanzee Habituation, Gorilla and chimpanzee habituation is the gradual process of introducing gorillas and chimpanzees to the  presence of people for tourism, conservation and research purposes this extraordinary experience is open for visitors.  In gorilla and chimpanzee habituation, the animals learn to tolerate humans without reacting in fear or aggression. The habituation experience is a remarkable and unforgettable adventure but its success highly depends on the timing of the visit. Its important to know the best time for gorilla and chimpanzee habituation. Habituation is important for tourism purposes, since it allows the visitors to see the Gorillas and chimpanzees up close in there natural habitat and environment. Further it helps the conservationists in monitoring the health of these animals.

Best time to go For gorilla Habituation and Chimpanzee Habituation.

Best time  for Gorilla Habituation

Dry season

The most critical factor influencing the time for habituation visits is weather. Gorillas stay in tropical rain forests that experience two seasons that is the wet and dry seasons. The dry season which runs June to September and December to February is the best time for both gorilla habituation. These months offer favorable conditions. The trails are less muddy which makes it easy to hike through the lush forests. Due to the dry conditions gorillas stay in open areas of the forest making it easy for people to see them.

Further in the dry season gorillas are more predictable in their movement which makes it easy to track them. This is  due to the  availability of food and resources.

Better visibility is also another benefit of the dry season. You can see the gorillas clearly  since there is no mist, fog and dense vegetation which sometimes block the view during the wet season.

Note: Since the dry season is a peak season permits are sold out quickly  in Bwindi Impenetrable forest in Uganda. So  its important to book in advance during these months.

Because of  the dry conditions, there is  over crowding due to the popularity of these month, hence leading to the  high prices for accommodation and transportation.

 Wet season

Even although the wet season is seen as a less appealing time for gorilla habitation because of the unpredictable weather changes and slippery trails, it also has some benefits as explained below.

First of all the wet season is less crowded because of this, you have an opportunity for a more peaceful and intimate encounter with the gorillas, you spend more quite time observing the gentle giants.

On the other hand the gorillas are more relaxed when they are in the presence of few people hence enabling you to watch their natural interactions in an undisturbed environment.

Low prices since the wet season is the off peak season which means there are few visits which results into less demand for gorilla permits and accommodation. You will have discounted prices, low flight cost and cheaper tour packages.

The forests provide a lively ambiance and rich green scenery during the wet season. The landscape is breathtaking, and the forests are teeming with a variety of plants and animals, despite the fact that it may be damp and more difficult to walk.

Best time for Chimpanzee Habituation

Dry season

The dry season which runs from June to September and December to February is the best time for Chimpanzee habituation. These months offer favorable conditions. The trails are less muddy which makes it easy to hike through the lush forests. Due to the dry conditions, chimpanzees stay in open areas of the forest making it easy for people to see them.

Further just as gorillas, chimpanzees are more predictable in their movement  in the dry season which makes their  tracking easy. This is  due to the  availability of food and resources.

Better visibility is also another benefit of the dry season. You can see the  chimpanzees clearly  since there is no mist, fog and dense vegetation which sometimes blocks the view during the wet season.

Note: Since the dry season is a peak season permits are sold out quickly. So  its important to book  in advance during these months.

 Wet season

Even although the wet season is seen as a less appealing time for  chimpanzees habitation because of the unpredictable weather changes and slippery trails, it also has some benefits as explained below.

First of all the wet season is less crowded because of this, you have an opportunity for a more peaceful and intimate encounter with the  chimpanzees , you spend more quite time observing them.

On the other hand, the chimpanzees are more relaxed when they are in the presence of few people hence enabling you to watch their natural interactions in an undisturbed environment.

Low prices since the wet season is the off peak season which means there are few visits which results into less demand for chimpanzees permits and accommodation. You will have discounted prices, low flight cost and cheaper tour packages.

The forests provide a lively ambiance and rich green scenery during the wet season. The landscape is breathtaking, and the forests are teeming with a variety of plants and animals, despite the fact that it may be damp and more difficult to walk.

Permits: Permits are needed for gorilla and chimpanzee habituation , you must reserve them in advance, particularly during the dry season in the peak season.

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