
Cultural Safaris in Kenya - Kenya Safaris and Tours

Cultural Safaris in Kenya is a renowned high-end vacation spot located in East Africa. It is one of the East African countries that boasts of several world-class adventures that attract many tourists. Kenya’s cultural tours take travelers through Kenya’s diverse and indigenous cultures and traditional practices of Kenya’s various tribes.

Kenya is home to over 42 tribes, the majority being the Maasai, Kikuyu, Kalenjin, Kamba, Luo, and Luhya.  Tourists who want to engage in cultural tourism in Kenya have a chance to explore some of Africa’s historic tribes as well as those that have accepted the existing ways of life in the big cities and islands.

Each tribe has a unique cultural style in terms of language, belief, pastoral life, ceremonies, food, leisure, and tradition. Each tribe speaks its own language but is collectively brought together by Swahili, though English is the official language. Having a cultural safari in Kenya helps you to understand more of other people’s behavior like how children are brought up in extended families, how they relate and associate with others in places like schools and markets.

Maasai visits 

Maasai are one of the small but famous tribes that have managed to maintain their cultural practices for a long time. This tribe is a must-visit on a Kenya or Tanzania safari.  The Maasai reside in the southern regions of Kenya and northern Tanzania. They are traditionally pastoralists but with modern blending, they are slowly adopting subsistence farming. The Maasai tend to live in small communities of about 10 to 20 houses protected by thorny fences and bushes and practice nomadic pastoralism as they move to search for pasture and water for their animals.  The Maasai are known for being strong and having a remarkable height. Tourists are usually attracted by their colourful attire of wrappers, jewellery, and spears.

While on a cultural safari to the Maasai in Kenya, a stop at Loita plains in Narok in Maasai Mara National Park is so inevitable. On the same expedition, visit homesteads, meet the elders, learn their cultural history, and participate in day-to-day activities like grazing the cattle. The evening time is so impressive as you listen to folk songs, stories, and dances around the campfire. Afield from Maasai Mara National Park, the Maasai are found on the edge of Lake Nakuru, Meru National Park, Amboseli National Park, and around the Laikipia Plateau.

Cultural Safaris in Kenya

Samburu Cultural Tours.

Cultural Safaris in Kenya

The Samburu are worth another community visit in Kenya. The Samburu reside in the northern part of Kenya and speaks a similar language to the Maasai- “Maa” language. The Samburu community offers unique opportunities for tourists to experience rich traditions and lifestyles. They largely depend on livestock like goats, sheep, cattle, and camels.

Samburu traditionally live in simple mud house called Manyattas with groups of 5-10 families. These houses are fenced for protection from wild animals.  Since these people are found in an arid region, they move from places looking for pasture and water and their animals. On a cultural visit to the Samburu community, visitors witness various cultural performances like dances, songs, and ceremonies. You not only watch but also know the significance of each cultural activity. The most interesting activity is riding on a camel.

Kikuyu cultural tours

Kikuyu are the largest ethnic group of people in Kenya who reside on the slopes of Mount Kenya. The Kikuyu originally built their economy on agriculture and emphasized growing crops like millet, beans, peas, sorghum, and sweet potatoes though some cattle are reared by the minority who are considered to have status.

On a visit to the Kikuyu homesteads, learn their traditional architecture, family structures, and how they construct their traditional huts called Nyumba. Cultural performances among the Kikuyu include music, dance, and storytelling.

The Kikuyu exhibit nice handicrafts made by artisans. These crafts include weaving, beadwork, and pottery. You can purchase some of them as souvenirs. In the same community meet the traditional healers and discover their local medicinal practices.

You may inclusively enjoy traditional Kikuyu dishes like “irio” a mixture of maize, peas, and potatoes, or “mukimo” a mixture of maize, greens, and mashed potatoes. In the Kikuyu community, visit the local schools, and community developmental projects that have been set to maintain and preserve culture.

Cultural Safaris in Kenya

Turkana Cultural festivals

The Turkana are nomadic pastoralists living on the northwestern border of Kenya bordering the Karamoja sub-region in Uganda. These people live in semi-arid areas forcing them to move looking for pasture and water for their animals. Visiting the Turkana offers you participation in daily life activities like preparing local food and enjoying cultural celebrations with various traditional folksongs and warriors’ games.  A visit to Lake Turkana to the El Molo tribe is an added advantage when you visit the area.

 Visit the Akamba people.

This is another tribe in Kenya with different cultural encounters. The Akamba people mostly reside in Machakos town. A visit to the Akamba people considers interaction with the local people in their local markets, exposure to handicrafts like woodcarvings in artisan workshops, and enjoying traditional music and dances in their pleasant and attractive costumes.  When you opt to engage in the homestay activities, get to learn the different dishes prepared by the locals where you can have a taste.

The newly established National Park in Machakos and the Yatta plateau introduce you to the natural beauty of the area, Hiking and Nature walks are possible within the same area.

kenya cultural tour

Swahili coastal cultural tours

Coastal cultural tours in Kenya are usually carried out in Mombasa, which is Kenya’s second-largest city. In Mombasa, there are many great cultural exposures like the Fort Jesus where you find the National Museum in which we find different ancient materials that were introduced by the Arabs. Close to the museum is another cultural center called the Swahili Pot.  Mombasa is a city with numerous cultures originating from the ancient Swahili, Arabs, Indians, and colonial influence.

 A visit to Lamu Island which is the oldest UNESCO-World Heritage site in Kenya, is so inevitable for culture lovers on a Kenya safari.  On the island, be exposed to  Swahili architecture, cultural festivals, and donkey rides.

Kisii Cultural Tours

The Kisii are another tribe found in western Kenya and are said to have originated from Tanzania. These people have a unique culture and lifestyle that is expressed through their music, dance, and other unique arts.  They are known for beautiful art exhibitions of beadwork and ornaments. When you visit the Kisii people, take a step to the Kisii Soap Stone Mines where you interact with the locals in the community who provide more knowledge about the high-quality carvings from the mine. The Kisii are proud and determined to preserve their culture amidst different challenges and have continued to make more investments in education and infrastructure which contribute to the economic development of their country.

Kisumu and Luo  cultural visit

 The Luo are another tribe with an interesting culture in Kenya. Luo are commonly found in the northwestern part of Kenya on the shores of Lake Victoria. Traditionally the Luo, have interesting cultural practices that can be witnessed and enjoyed on a visit. In the Luo homesteads,  find different family structures where the clan elder heads several families.

The Kisumu Museum is one place that cannot be missed out on cultural safari for the Luo community, the museum exhibits more traditional artifacts and provides more history about the Luo ancient styles of living. Other interesting cultural sites in the Luo community include the Luanda Magere site with an interesting mythological background, the Nyamgondho Wuod Ombare site, and local markets where you can see and buy local food, clothing, and crafts. All in all, cultural tours to various parts of Kenya provide broad immersion into different people’s cultures customs, and traditions for unique travel experiences.

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