
Rwanda Royal tour (gorilla trekking and wildlife safaris)

Rwanda Royal tour: Rwanda recently held a royal tour, during which the acclaimed travel documentary maker Peter Greenberg examined all the treasures in Rwanda. Remarkably Rwanda Royal Tour, this remarkable visit was led by the esteemed Paul Kagame, the president of the Republic of Rwanda, from beginning to end. President Paul Kagame revealed the valuable gems that Rwanda possesses, which collectively establish the country as a unique and attractive tourism destination during Rwanda Royal tour. Peter Greenburg, a renowned travel editor for CBS, embarks on deliberate journeys to certain countries with the aim of providing viewers with access to extraordinary destinations, significant historical events, and immersive cultural experiences that may be unfamiliar to them.

The royal tour was a week-long excursion during which President Kagame accompanied Peter Greenburg to various tourist destinations across the entire country. The initial destination was Volcanoes National Park, which serves as a habitat for the endangered mountain gorillas. The president and his colleague participated in a lifetime gorilla trekking experience, which is the most popular activity in the land of a thousand hills. The president informed Peter that Rwanda is home to 10 habituated gorilla groups, specifically named Titus family, Susa group, Karisimbi group, Amahoro group, Umubano group, Sabyinyo group, Agashya group, Kwitonda family, Hirwa family, Ugenda group, and Bwengye family. These families are open for trekking every day. The president provided additional clarification on the reason for the high cost of Rwanda’s gorilla permit, which is priced at 1500 USD, in comparison to Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo. The president states that the primary justification for the expensive authorization is the imperative to advance gorilla conservation while simultaneously providing benefits to the local population.

President Kagame also guided Greenburg to Nyungwe Forest National Park, which is home to the largest number of chimpanzees in Rwanda. During their time in Nyungwe, Kagame and Greenberg embarked on a hike to observe the renowned chimpanzees, which are closely related to humans. Despite their presence, the passengers found great pleasure in the prominent canopy walkway, which offered them a bird’s-eye view of the national park, wildlife, Virunga volcanoes, and other points of interest in the surrounding countries.

Kagame then led Peter Greenburg and the group to Akagera National Park, which is Rwanda’s sole Savannah national park and has the big five wildlife. The game drives provided guests with excellent opportunities to observe herds of elephants, lions, rhinos, leopards, waterbucks, antelopes, kobs, and impalas, among other animals, as they grazed, browsed, and hunted in the open savannahs. Lake Kivu was included in the tour, and Kagame, along with his counterpart Peter Greenberg, enjoyed riding a jet-ski on the lake. Kagame provided an explanation regarding the origin and ongoing presence of Lake Kivu.

Peter Greenberg created a one-hour documentary after the Rwanda Royal tour, which showcases all the places visited with Kagame and provides detailed information about each site. The new documentary made its debut in Chicago, USA on April 23, 2018. The documentary about Rwanda’s royal visit is the most recent installment in the innovative royal tour series shot by Greenberg. During its publication, more than 500 individuals, primarily business leaders from Chicago, were in attendance. This is an advantageous opportunity for Rwanda to get exposure to the international community. Additionally, the Rwanda Royal tour was attended by notable individuals such as retired General Romeo Dallaire, a former United Nations peacekeeper, Jack Hanna, an American zookeeper and the Director Emeritus of the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, as well as other members of the Rwandan Community in the United States. Paul Kagame, the President of Rwanda, and his wife, Jeannette Kagame, were present for the premiere of the film “Rwanda” in New York.

4-Day Rwanda gorilla trekking expedition

The premiere of the documentary on the royal tour of Rwanda garnered significant global interest. Rwanda’s captivating beauty, attractions, activities, and welcoming people were prominently showcased throughout many conventional and social media channels. Notably, the president himself served as a guide, further enhancing the country’s appeal. The one-hour behind-the-scenes clip of Rwanda was also broadcasted on the American public broadcasting service (RTV).

The Rwanda royal tour is the latest installment in the royal tour series, which has been meticulously chronicled by the esteemed travel journalist, Peter Greenberg. During all of his royal travels, Peter Greenberg is consistently accompanied by heads of state and government officials as his guides. The unexpected live participation of Kagame and his role as a guide pleasantly surprised many individuals, highlighting the president’s profound affection and endorsement of tourism within his nation.

Rwandans were thrilled to witness their president assume a role that exceeded their expectations. Out of all the royal tours that Greenberg has organized, Paul Kagame was the first president to act as a guide, making the royal trip to Rwanda truly unusual. Undoubtedly, the video is anticipated to attract a significant influx of tourists to the nation renowned for its extraordinary offerings and known as the “land of a thousand hills.” The Rwanda royal tour has become the most popular program on Rwanda’s national broadcaster (RBA) and is viewed by all Rwandese. It is also featured on American television, where it is chronicled by Peter Greenburg, a prominent journalist.

The Rwanda Royal tour unveiled President Paul Kagame’s previously unknown qualities of charisma, affability, and amiability. Kagame’s newly discovered traits compliment his existing ones, such as sweetness, as described by former British politician Clare Short, among others.

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